USDOL resource from Training and Employment Notice 31-16 covers child labor laws for apprentices that are under the age of 18.
The Apprenticeship Professionals Learning Network has curated an array of resources related to our primary topics: Business Engagement, Partner Engagement, Registered Apprenticeship Program Design, Registered Apprenticeship Fundamentals, Supporting Apprentice Success.
Search for resources on a particular topic by typing in keywords such as "youth + STEM." You can also use the drop-down lists in the toolbar area as well.
This tool from Safal Partners can help apprenticeship programs understand how to align with the workforce system.
This resource from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Vocational Education Research and Technical Advisory Committee (VERATAC), provides information about 21 different labor market information sources, their strengths and limitations, and when and what to use the specific data for.
Information, resources, and technical assistance for federal and state staff and sponsors to support required program reviews.
This guide from the Urban Institute provides apprenticeship professionals with an understanding of how National Occupational Frameworks are created and how they can be used to develop and register high-quality apprenticeship programs.
This report from the Job Accommodation Network provides information from a survey of nearly 4,500 employers about the costs and benefits of implementing accommodations for their employees.
American Institutes for Research (AIR) has published a brief called Improving Apprenticeship Completion Rates which summarizes a review of the research about apprenticeship completion and provides recommendations for strategies and practices to increase retention and completion rates.
This brief from JFF provides an overview of how applying the Universal Design for Learning framework to Registered Apprenticeships can result in a more welcoming environment that better includes people with disabilities and others with varied learning needs and preferences.
The Tradeswomen Image Library from the Western Resources Center for Women in Apprenticeship provides free images for use under a Creative Commons license. These are images of real tradeswomen on job sites and in manufacturing settings.
These online training modules from Apprenticeship Carolina offer easily accessible training for mentoring in apprenticeship and include lessons for general mentoring and specific lessons for mentorship in healthcare and in manufacturing.