The Apprenticeship Professionals Learning Network has curated an array of resources related to our primary topics: Business Engagement, Partner Engagement, Registered Apprenticeship Program Design, Registered Apprenticeship Fundamentals, Supporting Apprentice Success.

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This brief discusses the challenges that grantees that had received American Apprenticeship Initiative (AAI) funds experienced when trying to transition to using WIOA funds to sustain programs that were created under AAI. The report uses these challenges to promote opportunities for encouraging local workforce development boards to support Registered Apprenticeship Programs with WIOA funds. 

Resource Type: Brief

The goal of this report is to highlight effective employer engagement practices and identify key lessons learned from implementing technology-focused apprenticeship programs. 

Resource Type: Report

Self-paced, online training course that helps apprenticeship program designers choose between an approach that advances apprentices based on their time learning, competencies learned, or a combination of the two.

Resource Type: Variety of Materials

Jobs for the Future’s (JFF) Center for Apprenticeship & Work-Based Learning has an Employer Engagement webpage that features promising approaches for securing buy-in from employers to build apprenticeship programs and to see the value of bringing in a more diverse pool of candidates. 

Resource Type: Variety of Materials

30 minute video explores strategies for bridging the gap between adult education programs and Registered Apprenticeship.

Resource Type: Video

Toolkit of resources for secondary school administrators to advocate for and build apprenticeship programs and strengthen school and business partnerships.

Resource Type: Toolkits

This fact sheet from the U.S. Department of Labor Chief Evaluation Office provides considerations for improving efforts to recruit and retain apprentices across three areas: recruitment, learning, and apprentice environment.

Resource Type: Fact Sheet

Behavioral Insights & Apprentice Sponsorship How to Apply Behavioral Insights to Improve Employer Engagement and Expand Apprenticeship, from the National Association of State Workforce Agencies provides insights and strategies that can help make communications with employers more impactful.

Resource Type: White Paper

This component of comprehensive Registered Apprenticeship training provided to CareerSource FL Apprenticeship Navigators focuses on business engagement strategies.

Resource Type: Video

A series of webcasts and webinars covering foundational knowledge of the Registered Apprenticeship system.

Resource Type: Recorded Training