The Apprenticeship Professionals Learning Network has curated an array of resources related to our primary topics: Business Engagement, Partner Engagement, Registered Apprenticeship Program Design, Registered Apprenticeship Fundamentals, Supporting Apprentice Success.

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This short video from the Urban Institute provides an introduction to the National Occupational Frameworks. The video gives an overview of the National Occupational Frameworks, outlines the content included in each framework, and describes how the frameworks can be used to streamline and accelerate development of Registered Apprenticeship Programs.

Resource Type: Video

This brief from the National Skills Coalition provides information about sector strategies and partnerships, including local workforce board partnerships, that can help ramp up work-based learning. 

Resource Type: Brief

Mentor guide for experienced workers who teach and advise youth apprentices at work.

Resource Type: Guide

This quick reference guide provides information about how Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) programs can support Registered Apprenticeship Program sponsors, employers, and apprentices in a variety of ways.

Resource Type: Guide

Resource designed to help states consider five dimensions of system alignment, and explore strategies to strengthen alignment.

Resource Type: Report

This video from the National Association for Workforce Boards provides information for workforce development providers about how to partner with apprenticeship. Apprenticeship professionals can learn how our partners on the workforce side understand their role in these partnerships.

Resource Type: Video

Guide for local workforce professionals on key players, what role(s) those partners typically play in supporting Registered Apprenticeship programs, and leadership roles.

Resource Type: Guide

30 minute video provides information about how Adult Basic Education and Career Technical Education programs work with pre-apprenticeships and apprenticeships

Resource Type: Video

This guide to partner engagement from the Commonwealth Corporation provides strategies for building partnerships from outreach to sustainability. Though designed for workforce development practitioners, the processes are easily adaptable in the apprenticeship space.

Resource Type: Guide